I am a Year 7 student at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 1 and my teacher is Mrs Moala.
Monday, 31 December 2018
My Day
Hi welcome to my blog so the time is 5 : 51 at the moment we just got back from seeing my sister Joe and my sister Ivory is coming over later on and my sister inlaw came over for a vist well today is new years eve so that means tommorro is new years so I hope you and your family have a great new years and a great year. If you have not seen my blog go check outmy other blog posts and comment on them and byy.
Sunday, 30 December 2018
My Christmas
Hi there today I am going to tell you about my christmas it was so fun my mum and dad spent so much money on us to keep us happy but if they did not we would still love and still be happy we had an amazing christmas. So if you liked your christmas please comment on this blog post on how your christmas was. Please comment on other blog post on my blog hope you like and make sure to keep watching or looking at my blog for more blog posts and byyy have a great summer.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
My Terracota Pot

Monday, 10 December 2018
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Monday, 3 December 2018
Friday, 30 November 2018
Cave Art Animation
Hi this is my animation about my story of a tribe and a taniwha. Long long ago there was a tribe in the country called New Zealand.That tribe had not eaten in almost a week. Only the bravest of the tribe went to hunt for the tribe. The men were searching for hours and hours until they found a taniwha. They were chasing after the taniwha for at least 1 hour.Then the taniwha got away so they came back the following night and the caught the taniwha and they chased the taniwha into the grey dark cave they followed it into the cave and then one of the men garbed their net and killed the taniwha and put it into the net and took it back to the tribe. And that’s my animation thanks for watching. Please comment on this blog post and I hope you enjoyed my writing.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Hi this week we had a dmic problem me and my group worked really well together and I would to work with them again so comment on this blog post hope you enjoy..
Monday, 19 November 2018
My Animation Plan
My Animation Voice Over Writing
Hi this is my animation about my story of a tribe and a taniwha. Long long ago there was a tribe in the country called New Zealand.That tribe had not eaten in almost a week. Only the bravest of the tribe went to hunt for the tribe. The men were searching for hours and hours until they found a taniwha. They were chasing after the taniwha for at least 1 hour.Then the taniwha got away so they came back the following night and the caught the taniwha and they chased the taniwha into the grey dark cave they followed it into the cave and then one of the men garbed their net and killed the taniwha and put it into the net and took it back to the tribe. And that’s my animation thanks for watching. Please comment on this blog post and I hope you enjoyed my writing.
Friday, 16 November 2018
Multiplication Art
Keyhole Narrative Writing 2
One day in a small town called Kings town. In that town there was a school called kings high. It was the first year for some people like Pixy and Layla also Staycie witch was a witch and no one knows about her until. She found some new friends. Now it had been two years and there still friends well best friends I should say. Staycie had already told Pixy and Layla that she was a witch. Three years later Staycie got a note from a wizard called Jack she did not now who he was. She read the note and she found out that she had got cursed and not just her her and her best friends. She went to school and as soon as she got there she told Layla and Pixy about what had had just happened. They all looked at the note at Staycies house and talked about how are they got cursed. They all read it and there was an address so they packed their stuff and they also had permission. They took Staycies car. They found the address and they were wondering why was his house floating on a piece of rock or stone. Staycie went first because she is a witch and she has powers so then they knocked on the door so so so many times and then on that last nock they ended up in another round or world. Pixy started screaming to the top of her luges then she stopped. Layla was trying so hard not to scream like Pixy. All of a sudden the house started falling then it wasn't falling then it was at the bottom of the sea after that they right where they started. Layla said we should just go into the house and see what they were cursed with. Pixy just started screaming again and screaming and screaming until she saw who was doing that to them. Pixy told Layla and Staycie that she saw him in the window. It was like him and the house were connected or he was just controlling it. Then Staycie opened the door to see how he was doing whatever he was doing. They all ran inside
and tried to find whoever he was that was controlling the house. All though the house looked so weird but cool at the same time. They had found him in one of his spell rooms he calls it. They sat him down and said what is wrong with this house he said oh nothing it has it’s own power that creates mind tricks wich makes you think your somewhere where your not. Layla asked what his name was he said it was Jack the wizard. Staycie said well I am a witch and I have a lot of powers so if you don’t take whatever spell you put on us then I will have to use one of my powers on you. Jack said it was not him who sent the note Pixy said then who sent the note and it had the wizard on it and your a wizard. Staycie said she needs to talk with Layla and Pixy for a sec. Staycie said I am going to use my truth power and see if he is telling the truth or not. So Staycie tillted her head and said the name of who she wanted to know who was telling the truth and her powers said negative she new he was lying to her and her friends. Staycie said that they all should go outside without Jack. Staycie had a plan she had made the same wond that looked just like the real one. Well Jack was not looking she put the fake wond were the real wond was. She found what they had been cursed with and they were all so angry because they were cursed with they had seven days till they were all moked and bullied and been fat and ugly in front of the howl school. They placed a curse on him that he can not do anymore curses on anyone ever. They took the wond and broke it and went back to Staycies house to tell her mother all about it. And thats the end.
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Monday, 5 November 2018
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
My Earlest memorie
1 Day last year my Mum,Dad,Brother,sister and I.
My Dad and Mum were thinking about if we should
go up north in tupo where my Mum is from.So me and my sister Anahere were packing our stuff for when we go.The next day when we had everything packed in the traveling van we done a pear and then we started our trip. I was lying on the mattress in between the side seats.It was finally time to get out and see my cousins they were so happy.After that we went to this beach which was owned by my great grandfather. Then we headed back to my cousins house and stayed there for the rest of the day. To be continued
Friday, 19 October 2018
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Aboriginal art
One day a long long time ago there were people around a camp site that saw that the day was sunny and that there was rainbow so they said to each other two go for a swim so they did they also went for hike then they went back to there camp site on the way back they saw emu tracks then they saw the emu and speared it and went back to the camp site.
Recount stage fright
One day in term 2 2018 my kapa haka group and I were practicing for fia fia 2018. That was just the start of one on the scary days for me.
It started at school we were practicing for fia fia 2018. We were practicing for hours and hours and when we were finally done we were sent home but before we left my teacher said to come back to school at five pm on the dot. So we did. When I came to school there was food and there was loads of people and loads of students.I was so excited.
It was finally time to get ready to perform.It started out good when we were getting into our costumes.Then, we started to walk to sitting place. We waited and waited. It was time to go on stage as soon as I went stage I just saw people cheering but for some reason my mind went black but I keeped singing.It looked like I wasn’t stage fright but I was really, really scared.After, all that we were called off stage and I was so happy. I ran to get changed back into my clothes and ran to my dad and gave him a hug.
That was the first time I was ever stage fright it was so weird but It was ok I felt so, so, so, weird.And that was my stage fright story.
Please comment on this blog post.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
My Animation plan
Hi there this is my Animation plan so this is a little bit of what my Animation might look like so please coment on this blog post.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Hi this one of my task from this week hope you like this blog post and please comment on this blog past thanks.
Monday, 24 September 2018
Clara's Cow Pat
Here I was trying to find the winner as well as the winning swqear and the one that was second closes to winning.Thanks for looking at my work and please comment on my blog post.
Friday, 21 September 2018
Move ya body animation
This is my animation about dancing. There are all sorts of dances around the world like break dancing and hip hop and they all keep you active. So thanks for watching my animation.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Hip Hop Moves
Hi there my name is Patience and I hope you like my work please leave a comment on this blog post.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
This is my algebra please comment on this blog post.
Follow the arrow
This is my blog post on follow the arrow please comment on this blog post.
This week I was working with Zyla Troy and Lelofie.This week we worked together really well but we still need to fix some things with our group.PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS BLOG POST THANKS.
This is my DMIC problem this week I was working with Zyla Troy and lelofie. We worked together really well but we need to learn to explain to each other when we are writing on the book.
My Name Is Rez
This week we were told to do this task called my name is Rez and we have to tell what the word means and what it is.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Making Up My Own Sport.
This week we were told we can make up our own sport.
1.First you split your class into 2 teams.
2.Then you cut up some tape into pieces.
3.After that you lay out the tape on the ground in 2 lines of tape.
4.Then take your cups and line then up against the wall with spaces in between each cup.\
5. Get one of the team members from each team to line up on the piece of tape.
7.Then get them to hold a ball and get them to try to chuck the ball into the cups.
9.The first one to get 3 balls in three cups gets a point.
10. The first team to get to five points wins the game.
You have to try to get 3 balls in 3 cups to earn a point.
I learned you can make a game only using a ball and cups and balloons and tape.We were told to make a sport or game of 4 of 5 things which is a ball some balloons 2 tennis rackets some tape and so thread. Yes it was fun making your own game.Trying to come up with the rules for your own game.
Thanks for reading please comment on this blog post.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
This week I was working with Zyla Troy Lelofi.We were working together well but there are still things we need to fix as a group.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Thursday, 6 September 2018
I really liked how I worked in our group it was really cool and I hope you like.And please comment on this blog post.
Animation Plan
This term is move your body and I am doing dance.Dancing is a really cool type of fitness and it also keeps your body motivated that way your brain and body will have more motivation.There are all sorts of dancing like hip hop and breakdancing.That way you will which type one you like.My animation shows how you can dance and how you can keep fit.Thank you for reading can you please leave a comment on this post thank you. |
Thursday, 23 August 2018
Dances Of The World
This is my dances of the task hope you like it.
My Narrative story
One day there was a girl named Stacie she lived in new york.She helped people to be there selfs she only done that because she only liked the color pink and people judged her.One day she got a message from her workers say there's an event in LA she was so happy because she had not done an event in a long time.So Stacie packed all her stuff and went to LA.She was posting all about it but at the end she found two people that loved their own color.She ask them what there name was they said James Frankie.Frankie also bought her dog called Biggy.It was cool because Biggy loved the color yellow.His ears were yellow well only because Frankie always used to take him to the dog parlor.One day Stacie contaked James And Frankie and she said she found a place called the keyhole it was in indonesia Frankie said
‘What are we doing there?’
And Stacie said
“It’s not that colorful so we can make beautiful that way people can’t judge us about being different”
James said
“Then what are we waiting for let’s do this”
They all said
“We all should meet at the LA train station”
So they all meet each other at the LA station.Stacie was so excited to see them after all that time.They had all there camping gear and all there bottles of water.When they finally got there they found somewhere to sleep and got set up.They got straight into their sleep
To be cou
Monday, 20 August 2018
Friday, 17 August 2018
Writing Narritive
To be continued
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Friday, 10 August 2018
Physical well-being
When I get up in the morning and I do my exercise.
Sometimes I play basketball at home with my brother Hone.
I get up at 6.50 am every morning and then get ready for school.
Social well-being
When I get up in the morning and I do my exercise.
Sometimes I play basketball at home with my brother Hone.
I get up at 6.50 am every morning and then get ready for school.
Social well-being
When I come to school I talk to my friends in the morning.
When the bell rings I put my bag on a chair and grab my Chromebook and put it by my bag.Then I sit on the mat.q
When I get home I get out of my school cloths then go see my mum and dad.
Me and my dad and my sisters and brothers go for a walk.My mum
When the bell rings I put my bag on a chair and grab my Chromebook and put it by my bag.Then I sit on the mat.q
When I get home I get out of my school cloths then go see my mum and dad.
Me and my dad and my sisters and brothers go for a walk.My mum
spiritual well-being
My culture is maori.Maoris are very spiritual they do a lot hunting for food.Me and my dad and brother and sister goes fishing for kinas.Thursday, 9 August 2018
Friday, 3 August 2018
Move Ya, Body Writing
On monday we came back to school for term three.This term is all about how you can keep your body nice and healthy.This terms topic is move ya, body. When we went to assembly and we heard what team four was doing this term sounded very cool.So what team four is doing this term is keeping up our fitness level up.I could not wait to see what type of fitness we are doing this term.
Mrs Burt was dancing on the stage it was very funny but I didn't want to dance but then I got into it and it was very fun.I really wanted to know if we were going dance this term but we are just doing a lot of fitness which is still fun but not as much as dancing.On the movie that our teachers made was show us what fitness we could do when were playing on the park and how we could keep our fitness level up.
I hope later on this term we get to do a lot of running and I really hope we are ready for cross country.One of the main things we are learning this term is that we need to get the right amount of sleep and getting up early and eating healthy foods.That's what we are doing this term thanks for reading.
Hauora dictation
Hauora is a maori word that describes a person over all health and wellbeing.The four dimensions of Hauora are often displayed as the four walls of a whare. Which provides stability and strength.The four dimensions are ,Taha Tinana (physical well- being or health),Taha Hinengaro (mental and emotional well-being or self -confidence),Taha Whanau( Social well-being or personal belifes)
This week we are doing our introduction for writing.thanks for reading.
Monday, 30 July 2018
Friday, 29 June 2018
Thursday, 28 June 2018
This week I am working on polygons we just learnt about shape that are called polygons.
Hope you like it.
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
Patience Imaginative Recount Writing (Skydiving) - planning and writing doc.
One day last week I wanted to go skydiving because it looked so cool. So I signed up for it.My friends came along to.
"It doesn't look that scary," said one of my friends.
When we headed to the helicopter it was ready to go. My other friend Latisha doesn't like loud noises so she hopped to the helicopter as fast as she could. We all jumped in to the helicopter and we all sat in our seats. No one could tell that I was scared because I tried to have my normal face on that whole time.
Once we got high enough, I was so terrified just looking down. My friends went down one after the other. When it came to me I was so scared to jump but I told myself just to do it. Yes! I finally jumped out of the helicopter. I was so happy but scared at the same time. When I pulled the string to make the parachute come out, it pulled me like an owl that was getting trapped in a net. I was so worried that I was going to hit the rocks but other than that I was so happy. If you wanted to know, I didn't hit the rocks at all. When I landed, my stomach felt like it dropped! It felt nice to finally land. I was so relieved.
if you are scared of hights then I reconmend that you should not do this.
Thanks for reading my Imaginative Recount.
"It doesn't look that scary," said one of my friends.
When we headed to the helicopter it was ready to go. My other friend Latisha doesn't like loud noises so she hopped to the helicopter as fast as she could. We all jumped in to the helicopter and we all sat in our seats. No one could tell that I was scared because I tried to have my normal face on that whole time.
Once we got high enough, I was so terrified just looking down. My friends went down one after the other. When it came to me I was so scared to jump but I told myself just to do it. Yes! I finally jumped out of the helicopter. I was so happy but scared at the same time. When I pulled the string to make the parachute come out, it pulled me like an owl that was getting trapped in a net. I was so worried that I was going to hit the rocks but other than that I was so happy. If you wanted to know, I didn't hit the rocks at all. When I landed, my stomach felt like it dropped! It felt nice to finally land. I was so relieved.
if you are scared of hights then I reconmend that you should not do this.
Thanks for reading my Imaginative Recount.
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Friday, 22 June 2018
serious circus sums
This is my activity for this week ti is called serious circus sums.
Maths Survey Term 2
This is my maths survey thank for looking at this.Make sure to comment.
Thursday, 14 June 2018
The Bad Guys Book
So I am reading bad guys this wee
k for writing and it is a very cool book. I just read the first chapter of my book they try to see if wolfs and bad animals can be let in to the streets. It was very cool to read but they don't now about the animals.Thanks for reading this week.
k for writing and it is a very cool book. I just read the first chapter of my book they try to see if wolfs and bad animals can be let in to the streets. It was very cool to read but they don't now about the animals.Thanks for reading this week.
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Forces of Flight animation
This is my animation for term 2 it is called forces of flight. So my animation is tennis and hand ball you need thrust weight drag and lift if you are play tennis and if you are playing hand ball you need the same things but you don't need weight or drag. Thanks for watching.
A Picece Of Paradise
This is my task for this week I hope you like it.
Monday, 11 June 2018
My Matariki Writing
On friday it was matariki and there were different things you could do like movie making or sports even cooking but i chose arts and crafts it was so fun.My teacher for the day was Mrs Parrot and Mrs Moran.At the beginning of the day we started talking about what we are doing.My favorite part of the day was when we got to make cotton stars.We made them out of really strong paper that we cut into really big circles.Next we cut twelve lines on the outside.After that we could choose any color of cotton that we liked I choose dark blue.When we were finished it looked very cool and amazing I loved it it was so fun.At the end of the day we had assembly.Everyone got to show their work.When they went across the the stag one person had to talk about what they made.I saw a lot of cool stuff like dream catchers they looked really fun and creative and tick tack toe there ones were really colourful and bright.We did not get to show our work because not everyone made what they were told.The mane thing matariki is about is the seven sisters and how we remember our loved ones.Then we went home happy.Thanks for reading my writing
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
The farm
Today we had 40 minutes to write and we had to not talk to others and i had compelete it
One day there was a very cool farm that had all sorts of animals.There was pigs bulls rabbits bees all sorts.All the animals have names but the bull was the strongest with all his muscles.But the bull wasn't the mean one of them all.In Fact none of them were mean at all they were all fearful and happy.They all had there special little bucket witch had all the food and water in it.But one day the farmer decided to go for a vacation to America for 2 weeks
All of the animals were so sad that even the rabbit that was called happy.They were all thinking about how are the go to have a nuff water for the season.After 2 days there was no water for any of the animals at the farm.But the bees had an idea max was the smartest of all the bees.Max knows every road building he knows thing.He sail there was a pound nearby.On the other hand said the bull which his name was tane well he said that there will still not be a nuff for the howl farm it will only be able to last for 3 or 4 days.The donkey added that the owner is gone for 2 weeks.
Luckily there was one more chance because the birds were of the smartest animals in the farm so they now where to find a water howl.The birds new where to go.There was a watering howl
just 5 miles away.They new it was going to be a long walk but it was going to be werth it so they just went on.When they got there it was amazing there was grass there was water to last them three howl years at least.
When 2 weeks went by they were so happy they went back to the farm and when all the animals saw there owner they were so happy.They also so now when he goes on a vacation again they now were to go.Now there all happy and they will never have a problem again.
One day there was a very cool farm that had all sorts of animals.There was pigs bulls rabbits bees all sorts.All the animals have names but the bull was the strongest with all his muscles.But the bull wasn't the mean one of them all.In Fact none of them were mean at all they were all fearful and happy.They all had there special little bucket witch had all the food and water in it.But one day the farmer decided to go for a vacation to America for 2 weeks
All of the animals were so sad that even the rabbit that was called happy.They were all thinking about how are the go to have a nuff water for the season.After 2 days there was no water for any of the animals at the farm.But the bees had an idea max was the smartest of all the bees.Max knows every road building he knows thing.He sail there was a pound nearby.On the other hand said the bull which his name was tane well he said that there will still not be a nuff for the howl farm it will only be able to last for 3 or 4 days.The donkey added that the owner is gone for 2 weeks.
Luckily there was one more chance because the birds were of the smartest animals in the farm so they now where to find a water howl.The birds new where to go.There was a watering howl
just 5 miles away.They new it was going to be a long walk but it was going to be werth it so they just went on.When they got there it was amazing there was grass there was water to last them three howl years at least.
When 2 weeks went by they were so happy they went back to the farm and when all the animals saw there owner they were so happy.They also so now when he goes on a vacation again they now were to go.Now there all happy and they will never have a problem again.
Friday, 1 June 2018
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Friday, 25 May 2018
This is my sailing task for this week and I hope you injoy
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Cooking up a storm
This is my cooking up a storm activity.It was a lot of fun and I think it was easy and I hope for more Activity.
Flying eagle
In the rocky mountains of New Zealand lived a man and his eagle.The mans name
was Jackson and His eagle was huge.Jackson was a eagle flyer so every day he would take his eagle out for a ride.He would wake up at seven in the morning to fly his eagle.Some Days he would just want to go for a long long ride to breathe in the air.One morning he wanted to go for long ride just to see the land and see how things are.So jackson got all of his gears and left to see how the land is.When he was riding his eagle the eagle was starting to wabel.Jackson started to worried about the eagle so he told the eagle to go down.Well the eagle went down Jackson fell of and he was so flabbergasted.When he hit the ground he was drowning in pain he was dying.Jackson was lucky that he had taught his eagle what signs are to go get safety.So the eagle went to get someone to help him.When the eagle and one of his friend came back he was so happy.They got him to the hospital.After all that a couple of weeks later he was up on his feet again.He made sure that he was all was make sure that he will always take the right gears when he goes eagle flying.And he lived happily ever after and safe.
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
How airaplanes fly
This week we were told to work in pears of three or four about how airaplanes fly.This our blog post of how airaplanes fly.
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Monday, 21 May 2018
Ball Experiment
On monday Miss West and Mrs moala made a movie about a ball experiment.Mrs Moala said that the smaller ball was prettier and it was holo so it was going to hit the ground faster.Miss West said the bigger ball would hit the ground faster because the air will flow better underneath it.There qwestonions were which one was going to hit the ground faster.
Miss West stood on a chair and so did Mrs Moala they both held there balls.Next they held the balls at the and made sure that they are holding them at the same height.After that they made sure that they dropped them at the same time.Finally they dropped it at the same speed but the balls did not hit the ground at the same time.The bigger ball fell faster than the other ball.When the smaller ball hit the ground it broke because it was holo.Then they tried a rubber ball and the basketball.This time Mrs Moala held both of the balls on the chair and dropped and this time the rubber ball hit the ground faster than the bigger ball.
So that means that the bigger ball had less force on it so it fell slower than the smaller ball because the smaller ball had more force on it so it fell faster.
So after all that that means that the smaller ball can fall faster than the bigger ball.Thanks for reading.
Friday, 18 May 2018
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Scientific Question
This week we were wrtiting about how differet sizes of balls can drop faster than the other.
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Fia fia
WALT: recount a moment in time.
WALT: structure our writing into paragraphs.
Your task
Write about the moment you waited at the side of the stage ready to perform for Fia Fia and then your performance on the stage.
PLANNING: You now have 5 minutes to add the key words to your plan. Do not write any sentences in the boxes below.
Orientation (Introduction): How will you hook the reader?
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Who?student at pt england school
What? Fia fia
Where?back field
When?last day of last term
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BODY: Describe what happened.
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Paragraph 2 (3-4 sentences)
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What happened while you waited at the side of the stage, ready to go on? A lot of noise and clapping
How did you feel while you waited at the side of the stage? Shy and nervous
What did you see and hear while you were on the stage? Shouting and clapping
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Paragraph 3 (3-4 sentences)
| ||
What happened while you were on the stage? Shouting noises and a lot of smiles
How did you feel while you were on the stage? Nervous and I had butterflies
What did you see and hear while you were on the stage?I saw my dad and my brother with smiles
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Paragraph 4 (3-4 sentences)
| ||
What happened once you had left the stage? Everyone started clapping and wait for the group
How did you feel after you had left the stage? Happy and proud
What did you see and hear after you left the stage? The prefect announcing the next group
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Conclusion (Summary)
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How did you feel after performing at Fia Fia? Proud and happy about my performance
Would you want to do it again? Yes it was so fun
Now that you have made a plan, it is time to write your recount in full sentences:
I went to the field sat down and I was shivering cold.We had to wait in the rain for a couple of minutes before we went on stage.when we got on stage it was so cool the feeling.I felt so proud and happy the everyone was clapping and smiling.It was so fun.The team after us was the tougen boys they were so cool but we had to go home because it was to cold.
I know I have been successful writing because my recount:
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Has an orientation to tell who, what, when, where. yes
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Recounts the experience in paragraphs in the order the events happened.yes
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Shares my feelings about the experience at the end.yes
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Is written using verbs in the past tense (I saw, I walked, I felt). yes
| |
Has sentences with capital letters and full stops. yes
- Get feedback from a buddy.
- Create a drawing/image or add a photo (Check the Media link on our site).
- Share your writing and image on your blog:
Labels: 2018, Writing, Recount, Fia Fia 2018, Ako3
- Add the link to your blog to our class Blog Log.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Immersion Assembly Recount
WALT: recount a personal experience using correct sentence punctuation and sentences which make sense to the reader.
PLANNING: You now have 5 minutes to add the key words to your plan. Do not write any sentences in the boxes below.
Orientation (Introduction): How will you hook the reader?
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Who?pt england school /teachers
Where?AT assembly
When?term 2 of school
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: Describe what happened.
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Paragraph 2 (3-4 sentences)
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School Theme for Term 2:
Team 1: Simple tool made a skit
Team 2: Sports fractions and play
Team 3 :Skit moving there body
Team 5: Shapes fractions sizes
How did each of these teams share their inquiry topic?
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Paragraph 3 (3-4 sentences)
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Team 4 Inquiry Topic: they made a skit and showed their airplane flying off the stage
How did the Team 4 teachers share this The flight of an and air a plan
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Paragraph 4 (3-4 sentences)
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Write about your favourite item from assembly.ways of
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Conclusion (Summary)
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What do you want to/hope to learn about? How we can fly i would like to now how much weight you need.
What do you think about the new term theme overall? It is so fun and cool i would like to now more about this term
Is this different to how you felt before the assembly? Kind of but i still like the term them
Now that you have made a plan, it is time to write your recount in full sentences:
I first walked into assembly and I was so happy that the them about this term was I like to move it.first mr Burt was talking about this term.After all that team 1 made a skit there them was how to move big thing out of the way with simple tools.Team 2 was all about motion and sports it looked pretty cool miss king was so funny and mr moran.Team 3 was about the motions of their body and how they move.Team 5 is learning different shapes and sizes and measurements thanks for reading.
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